Rob Fleming Park | The Woodlands, TX

Amy and Nathan are expecting their first baby and its a girl! What an exciting maternity session this was, seeing one of my dear friends transition into motherhood. Texas hasn't had rain in months now, but the evening of our session the sky decided to cloud over and it began to drizzle. Fortunately, the rain held off and we were able to enjoy overcast skys throughout our time in The Woodlands. Millie, Amy and Nathan's dog joined us and she couldn't have done a better job posing for pictures! Millie added so much fun and excitement to their family photos. We walked around the park and enjoyed the variety of scenery. How exciting it was to hear them speak and dream about days to come with their little girl! This baby is a pecious gift from God and I can't wait to meet her in January.

A Few Favorite things from this Session

  • Millie the dog... enough said!
  • Seeing my friend Amy enter motherhood
  • Amy's incredible forrest green dress
  • Hearing the parents to be talk about their little girl
  • The beautiful tree lined pathways